And The Pig Said WUHG!

The pig adventure was quite a learning experience. The pig operation as I stated before was no different than any of our adventures, find a hole and jump in. Raising animals was never a passion, an interest yes, but the …

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$1 Per Pound

As part of the 4H programs, the USDA was pushing community garden concept that was red hot from the politician’s side, the “teach a man to fish” concept was a way for politicians to push food independence based on a …

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Teach ‘em to Eat the Gift Horse First!

Years ago, my family and friends started a nonprofit that focused on family food independence. The program taught our group several valuable lessons about government funded programs. The Jr. Skill Centers nonprofit gravitated around 4H programs in our home county …

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Be a Student of Your Sport

The secret of success in any area of expertise is never stop learning. It takes a combination of knowledge, experience, confidence, natural ability, focus, patience, and “want to”. In the early 1900s training models fell into 2 categories, need-to-know, and …

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Yesterday You Couldn’t Spell Sawyer

Pigs, Frogs, Worms and Chickens OH MY!Several our inner circle pointed us in the direction of an old moonshiner/sawyer that had an old 1940’s Frick sawmill. His name was Aaron Davis a typical seasonal connoisseur of non-taxed adult spirits and …

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Pigs, Frogs, Worms and Chickens OH MY!

With the racing on hold my dad got a chance to buy a 10-acre tract of land in Taylor, FL, the goal was to go sell sufficient, for me it was another learning experience, as the race car set outside …

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Bomb Carriers and Water

The pig operation included several animal related skillsets that a racer should never be exposed to. Pigs can tear down an oak tree, but hate electric wire, learning to be fence installer became another skillset. In a 2-year period we …

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